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I understandНа Ieškokite statybininkų ir amatininkų Vilniuje, Lietuvoje с 13.07.2022
Say you found an ad on Ieškokite statybininkų ir amatininkų Vilniuje, Lietuvoje
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Use the service - raising an ad in the feed and your ad will be shown much more often in the catalog than the rest!
The amount must not be less 0€
If the bet is outbid, you will receive an email notification.
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If the auction winner refuses to buy the item for some reason, you can remove his bid and exclude him from the auction. The new winner will be chosen by the one who followed this participant!
After confirming the order, the ad will be reserved for you, agree with the seller in a chat or by phone about the method of transfer and payment for the goods.